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.All in all, the trip was very positive. I'm always thinking about how I'd look and act if I was in the video, and with this trip, I think I've made a really good impression. It also gave me a lot of valuable lessons about what not to do when making a video. Sometimes I'm a bit too... proud. For instance, I wasn't prepared for how much time would be spent making the video, and I forgot that my tripod was a bit too light. It's heavier than I thought. I couldn't do much about that, but I did manage to take a few proper shots. I hope you like it. With Ed(2) in there, the song doesn't really work anymore, so I made a new version (2.1) with Mr.Emm but only one or two lines from the original. It's almost like a remix, but it's a little bit better because I just re-arranged the song. It's a lot easier to make one version of a remix than to make different remixes. This is my personal site and doesn't reflect any position or opinion held by any member of the team. If you have any corrections or additions you'd like to make, please contact the editor who can be reached at: videos: Now with more Slashdot! View Discuss Share We've improved Slashdot's video section; now you can view our video interviews, product close-ups and site visits with all the usual Slashdot options to comment, share, etc. No more walled garden! It's a work in progress -- we hope you'll check it out (Learn more about the recent updates). An anonymous reader writes "The Amazon is set to roll out a new beta in the coming days, and seems to include the three things we've all been waiting for: free, unlimited photo storage, free music storage, and the ability to listen to music on any device without a monthly subscription. The new Amazon Cloud Player service will offer all of those things for free. And according to the initial invite email, there's another freebie too: 500MB of a web app that helps you organize your music and set up playlists. The new Amazon Cloud Player is available now in beta." I've always had the feeling that Amazon's CEO was thinking of the corporate motto that applies to their

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